June 10, 2011

I'm Back and Better Than Ever!

Well hey there bloggies!

I've had a revelation when it comes to blogging. Here's the thing: it's not about how many followers I have or how many comments I get. This blog was made by me for me. Yet, I'll be honest, I LOVE YOU GUYS. I love seeing your happy notes and getting your input on my posts. That's my favorite part about blogging: the fact that if I'm going through a hard/great time in my life...someone halfway across the country cares about it. I love the friends I've made through blogging and I want to keep making friends!

With that said.

I'm back.

I may not be posting regularly. But when I do post, they're going to be real, honest, and worthy of the blog. I sure do hope you guys stick around with me!
especially because I'm going to have a super duper amazing giveaway very shortly!

Anywhoo! Let's get excited about the up and coming Perfect Peace! I know I am!



vintch said...

glad to have you back, sweet friend! looking forward to the awesomeness that's sure to come:) have a beautiful weekend!

Leah said...

YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. THIS MAKES ME SUPER HAPPY. :) I don't even know what else to say because I just have this silly grin on my face! hehe.

Jenny N said...

Hi Mel! Welcome back :)

Shay said...

SO happy you are back;-) There are a few other bloggers we need to get back too, though- so many are missing from blog world these days!