Hello everyone! Day 1 in
Paradise, and I had a second to get online. Not to make anyone jealous or anything, but it's
g o r g e o u s here. Just sayin'. This morning I woke up and GUESS WHAT?! There was a fabulous rainbow right out my window. Okay, the living room window, but still. Here is it!

How pretty is that?! But the downside to a rainbow is, it means rain. But luckily, it's still nice and warm here with the rain. In fact, the rain kinda cools things off and makes the heat more bearable. So, Mom and I went to the beach and had a nice little work out. Walking up and down the beach (which, basically, we were the only ones there), swimming, and even doing surge training IN the water. It was hilarious, yet, exhausting. We climbed back up to the condo, woke Brother up (he had been cat napping, which happens a lot here) and made him come to the beach with us. The waves were hugee, but so much fun! I got knocked down a couple (-hundred) times, but it was cool. Since then, we've been hanging out by the pool reading. It's only day 1 (we got here yesterday afternoon, so technically day 2 but we'll just call it day 1) and I've already read a book and a half.
I got the book
More by Heidi Marshall free on my ipod's ibooks application. IT WAS AMAZING. Read it. Now. I read it in one day. I swear the book was written about me haha! And now I'm reading
House Rules by Jodi Picoult, one of my favorite authors.
Alright guys, I'm missing the blogging world, but leave me some love so I know everyone is still out there!
so. freaking. jealous. so glad you're having fun though! come back to me soon! love you!
Ack! I'm jealous! It is gloomy on my side of the world. I would love to go to the beach right now. Have fun sweetie and Happy New Year!
paradise, sounds wonderful!!!
Looks SOOOOO beautiful even if it means rain
<3, New Follower
i wish i were there with you... ahhh. have fun & safe time girlie! :)
Wow, you are totally in paradise! That second photo is just stunning. I am in love with it!
xo M
misss youuu
So glad you're having fun!! Looks so pretty there!
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