August 8, 2011

Update on life, plus a Blog Award!

(check me out, gettin' all southern on you)

Life is good, is it not?
I'm a happy happy girl these days, despite the fact that I have 2 days to pack up my life.
But guess what! Whit, from WhitSpeaks, gave me a Blog Award today. The rules are simply to write some things about yourself, then pass the award along.

Thank goodness the rules are such, because I've been wanting to update my lovely readers on my crazy life!

I spent the last week at a camp called Camp Friendship. The camp is for children with cancer, or who have a parent/sibling with cancer. Sounds sad, huh? It's totally not! It was by far the most uplifting, life changing, influential weeks of my summer (possibly my life). I wish I could post pictures of my week, but I'm not allowed to put pictures of my kids online. However, I'll get some pictures of me (zip lining, dunk booth, etc) up eventually :)

Boyfriend moved into his apartment! It's perfect for him and his friends! Such a man apartment. I went over there last night and hung out with him and 2 of his roommates, then went grocery shopping with them this morning, for good healthy food such as peanut butter and jelly, bagel bites, and lunchables. Such men.

I move into my new apartment on Friday! I CANT WAIT! It's so beautiful and perfect, and I can't wait to show you pictures!

I'm overnight babysitting a 10 month old the same weekend I move in. Wish me luck! Luckily she's a really good baby, and probably won't cause any problems. It's going to be so fun!

I'm so excited for school to start! The first day is August 22 (same as T and my 5-months! Woo!) and I can't wait!

I'd like to give this award to...
Relevant Notes

Hugs, Kisses, and Packing!



Morgan said...

I'm glad you had such a fun time at your camp! What a blessing.

And thanks so much for the award, I'm honored! =)

Mere said...

Yay for a blog post! Glad you had fun at camp then got to see the bf! An apartment?! Jealous! I'm living oncampus for my last semester...lame! :p And thanks for the award! I will do my post ASAP! :)

Leah said...

Awh! Thanks Mel! I just moved into my apartment and Jake moves into his next week so I can relate- I am getting so excited for the fall! :) We start school on the same day- crazy! Good Luck moving! :)

Melanie said...

Congrats Mel! That camp sounds amazing--what a life changer. Again, hope the move went well!