July 27, 2011

Leaving AGAIN!

After only 4 days at home after my wonderful beach trip with the boy, I'm headed off for my next adventure of the summer...

Tomorrow morning I'll be driving up to Raleigh and spending the night with the two best friends, Linsey and Kristen. On Friday morning, we'll be boarding a bus and heading to Maryland!

In Maryland, we'll be volunteering at a camp called Camp Friendship. Camp Friendship is a camp for children who have cancer or have a family member with cancer. I'm nervous, but very excited for this experience. The people who have gone have said that it's life changing, and I hope it'll be like that for me too!

I can't wait to come back and tell you all about my experience. I know that God has put these children in my life, as well as putting me in their's, for a reason, and I'm excited to see what will happen this next week!

When I come back from Camp, I'll have another week at home, then will be moving into my new apartment! I've gotten so much done for the apartment, and I CANNOT wait to move in!



Shay said...

Wow Mel, you are one amazing person volunteering to do that! Someday I will do something like that as well- have so much fun and give all those kiddos big hugs for all of us!

Leah said...

I second that- you are amazing! I cannot wait to hear about your week- what an experience! And I also can't wait to see all things apartment after you move in! I miss emailing you, we should start that back up when life stops being so busy.. oh wait! ;) haha!

Morgan said...

What a great adventure! You will be such a blessing to those children and I think you will have a wonderful time. That is so awesome that you're doing that! =)

peggy said...

I am so glad that you are having an amazing time volunteering and I am so proud of you, but come home now, okay?

Unknown said...

Im moving into a new apartment too! I totally cant wait! Also, I just sent you the Blog On Fire Award :) Check it out here: http://whitspeaks.blogspot.com/2011/08/blog-on-fire-award.html
